Monday, March 17, 2008

7 years

We've been married 7 years today. 7 years of wedded bliss. Ok, so a lot of it hasn't been blissful. We've had two wonderful children, both of whom have special needs and challenges, and that takes its toll on a couple, no matter how much we love them (and we do!) We haven't ever gone away by ourselves because Mr. Geek doesn't want to, though once in a while I would like it. We've gone through my severe depression, job terminations, career changes, and we've lived in 7 homes in 7 years. That's a LOT for a couple. But here we are, still together. Neither of us is the happy type (we tend to be moody and broody) but we are happier with each other than we'd be with anyone else, I think. Here's to many more years. :)

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