Sunday, February 24, 2008

Theft and inclement weather

Somebody came by during the night or very early Saturday morning and very neatly cut my daffodils. I have more bulbs that are still coming up, thank goodness. What kind of person comes along and steals flowers from someone's front yard? I can't figure out WHO would do something like that. It REALLY, REALLY made me mad. It was obviously someone who planned it, because the cuts were made with scissors, which kinda rules out punk kids wandering along. Housewife stealing a bouquet while out for an early morning walk with the dog? Old lady and her walker? Good grief. I know there are worse crimes, but geez, this is pretty crappy and low.

It has been rainy and windy pretty much all weekend. We went out for a drive in it for the heck of it on Sunday afternoon. I made some beer cheese bread and Mr. Geek bottled his bitter stout ale he's been working on. We've had at least 2 inches of rain and there are a lot of branches and pieces of our palm trees out in our yard and on the street. Dratted palms, HATE THEM! I think I may have a lost a lot of my radish seedlings as well, despite my precautions. They may surprise me yet. Atleast it's supposed to be dry the rest of the week.

In other news, despite all odds, one of my little muscari is blooming! Woo hoo! I didn't think I'd get any this year!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Fave Feb Pics

Just had to share a few of my feb faves...

Monday, February 18, 2008

President's Day check in

I'd better quick post so I get another Feb post in!!

We had a pretty good Prez weekend. On Saturday we went to Hayward marsh and got to watch a seagull attempt to eat a shark. It was pretty comical. Poor guy just couldn't open the tough carcass and struggled to carry it. Other gulls arrived so he had to start posturing and look big and tough so no one else could take his shark. No swallows at Hayward yet, we'll have to go back in a month or so. The wintering ducks have mostly left for the season so there wasn't too much to see, just a lot of Least Sandpipers, some willets, and a few curlew and herons.

The boys have been holding hands lately when we walk places. It's pretty cute! I will be making a scrapbook page about it, I think.

We ripped out the crappy Aralia trees that were blocking the light to my scraproom. It's a whole new world!! Those trees were really bugging me. First, they blocked my wonderful morning light. Second, they had these hideous black berries that the robins ate and pooped all over our cars and sidewalk. And they are covered with ants. Goodbye and good riddance!! We bought a nice shrubby ceanothus to replace it. I'm liking this idea because it is low growing (under the window) and a native plant so it should thrive. Of course, right now it looks puny, but it should grow pretty quickly.

We also worked on raking and cleaning things up. We did a lot of pruning, adding to our compost bin, and more soil prep for our garden. Mr. Geek painted his chicken coop colonial red. It looks like a little barn. It will be fun to have some chicks next month. I definitely got a good yard work workout this weekend.

I am a little bummed that I didn't get any scrapping done, but the weather was so wonderful and I like working outdoors. Organic gardening is rapidly turning into my next big hobby. There's so much to learn. I wish I still could ask Grandpa questions, he was such an expert on garden matters. I feel closer to him when I work on it. It also makes me miss him more.

Back to school and craziness tomorrow!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

February's here!

Yikes, it's been a few weeks. Last weekend we ventured out between the storms on Super Bowl Sunday (like we watch...ha!) to go for a walk in Tilden. We stopped by the little farm and then walked out to Jewel Lake. There was SO much water there, the amount of water going over the dam was pretty cool. I personally liked seeing the pigs at the farm, oink, oink. The boys as always loved seeing the chickens. They can't wait until we get a few chicks in the spring. Mr. Geek is working on the coop right now as I type.

We had a couple of days without illness around here, now Rob is back to having a fever. Great. 'tis the season, I guess.

We planted our radish seeds in the old water table today and in a pot. I'm hoping these work out better than the ones we planted in Marysville. I guess we will know in a month. Rob was a great help planting.