Sunday, February 24, 2008

Theft and inclement weather

Somebody came by during the night or very early Saturday morning and very neatly cut my daffodils. I have more bulbs that are still coming up, thank goodness. What kind of person comes along and steals flowers from someone's front yard? I can't figure out WHO would do something like that. It REALLY, REALLY made me mad. It was obviously someone who planned it, because the cuts were made with scissors, which kinda rules out punk kids wandering along. Housewife stealing a bouquet while out for an early morning walk with the dog? Old lady and her walker? Good grief. I know there are worse crimes, but geez, this is pretty crappy and low.

It has been rainy and windy pretty much all weekend. We went out for a drive in it for the heck of it on Sunday afternoon. I made some beer cheese bread and Mr. Geek bottled his bitter stout ale he's been working on. We've had at least 2 inches of rain and there are a lot of branches and pieces of our palm trees out in our yard and on the street. Dratted palms, HATE THEM! I think I may have a lost a lot of my radish seedlings as well, despite my precautions. They may surprise me yet. Atleast it's supposed to be dry the rest of the week.

In other news, despite all odds, one of my little muscari is blooming! Woo hoo! I didn't think I'd get any this year!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Sorry about the flowers! That indeed sucks. If it were a week later, I'd bet it was a Welsh thing - daffodils are the flower worn to celebrate St. David's Day, but that's on March 1, so a week too early. Hopefully the bulbs will still bloom next year! I tend to lose a lot of my bulbs to moles and many flowers to slugs, which makes me angry enough. Having a human do it would incense me!

The bitter stout ale sounds very tasty!

Hope the radishes work out. I am still not ready to try vegetables in my garden. See the slugs and moles reference above. I can deal with herbs, since the slugs don't care for most of them.