Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Spring has sprung!

I've been so busy and infected with spring FEVER! It's been so great here. I've been outside creating and amending 4 planting beds (building them up from a gravel pit, it's been a lot of work!) Mr. Geek has helped a lot on weekends at well. I think I may finally have them ready for planting in a few weeks.

So, along with garden fever I have somehow ALSO contracted chicken fever. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our dear little chicks. We've finally found a feed store that will order the kinds we want (bantams that will lay a reasonable number of eggs) plus a few silkie chickens for fun and because they are supposed to make great pets. I have learned more than I ever would have thought I would know about chickens. I can't wait to raise some baby chicks as well. It may be another month before we get them, but I can be patient, I think. We are hoping to get one or more of the following: Ameraucana (they lay blue and green eggs!!), Barred Plymouth rocks, Buff Orpingtons, and the aforementioned silkies. All of these are supposed to be gentle, sweet natured hens, and we look forward to adding them to the family. The coop is almost done, and it looks pretty good.

So, with all of this garden and chicken fever I haven't done much scrapbooking. It's bound to happen in the springtime for me though. Spring and fall are my favorite seasons and I like to be outside working in the yard. I get a lot more scrapping done in the summer and winter when it's either raining or too hot to be outside.

I made an interesting discovery while clearing a planting bed in front of weeds today. I found 4 perfectly intact squirrel skulls. I think they must fall or get knocked out of the palm trees out front (which are right next to this planting bed).

I've been busy at Rob's school helping in the classroom and helping at Andy's school as well. Andy is going on his first field trip this Friday. They are going to a farm. I am driving him to the farm. We also have Pinewood Derby this week and a few other things, and next week looks hectic as well. Then we get a week off to just chill. That will also be when I start planting parts of my garden. Can't wait! My radishes are getting close to harvest time...I can't believe how slow they have been to "round out" but they are doing pretty well now. Not a single one has been attacked by a predator (leaves anyway). I guess containers are the way to go for radishes. I started some baby leaf lettuces from seed too, but I won't see them pop up for another week. Soon it will be carrot planting time too! Well, as soon as those radishes come out.

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