After a 3 day and party weekend, the kids are back in school. Whew. The pizza, corn, and ice cream sundae party went really well. I think Rob had a fantastic day. It was really hot out...over 100. Ugh. The unlikely food combos went over pretty well with everyone.
We decided to go to Big Basin Redwoods and then to Santa Cruz for the day on Sunday. We never made it to the redwoods because it was so hot, the roads were very windy, and I started feeling really ill. So we continued on down to Santa Cruz, just south of there to Capitola and Aptos. It was CRAZY busy on that beach! Never seen anything like it! It also stunk to high heaven from all the seaweed. There were millions of sand fleas as well. I was ready to continue on to another place, but Mr. Geek wanted to stay. So we did. For a while. The definite high point was seeing dolphins a ways offshore...too cool! They didn't hang around long, though, and the beach held no interest for me without them.
I have to gripe a bit about our counter job on Friday. It's not done. Not by a long shot. And the part that was finished was done so poorly that Mr. Geek wants them to take it out and redo it. They started out by not measuring or cutting (or maybe both) the laminate properly. The instead of going back and fixing the problem, they cut corners and fudged and didn't support the back and side splash at all. It's off by more than an inch on the right side. It doesn't even reach it's intended support so it's just floating there. Sheesh! How can you be off by that much??!! Oh, and the sink is leaking under the faucet.
Let's hope they make things right this week. I've lost enough sleep (and money) over this. This is what comes of choosing the low bidder. Shhhhh, don't tell my husband.
I added a pic of my huckleberry layout here. Love how it turned out. This pic is my first with my manual zoom lens on my Lumix.
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