Well, apparently I decided to take a few weeks' off. Not much has been going on. Kara, Scott and Maya were here last weekend on their way back to the airport. We had a nice visit. Maya and Rob had a great time and Maya even slept in the room with both boys. NOBODY got enough sleep. We went to Rodeo Beach so Maya could see the ocean for the first time. The kids had a great time. We went back to San Francisco and went out to lunch at the yummy Greek place by Golden Gate Park. Jon and Heidi came along for the fun too.
I've been scrapping a little, feeling kinda sick with sore throats and the like and taking it as easy as is possible for me. The kids are still up to their usual antics. Mr. Geek brought his boat over from his parent's house and took it out to Martinez to the river. Both kids went out with him. Andy loved it, you can see him in the boat in the pic for today's post.
Well, time to go fire up the stove and heat water for lobster ravioli...mmmm, dinner. Always a blessed event with ravioli. ;)
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